Calendar of Events

Cultivate Connections

Take a moment to rest and restore with others as we navigate our path through 2025. Share a walk in the labyrinth, other maze paths, poems, music, books, and more. Contact Kimberly at (242) 420-2112  

Meet and Greet: Curtis Hertel

Hive North 100 S Main St, Cheboygan, MI, United States

Join us at Hive North to meet and welcome to Cheboygan MDP Chair candidate Curtis Hertel.

Conversation & Mead

Hive North 100 S Main St, Cheboygan, MI, United States

Join us for an afternoon of lively conversation and grassroots action!

CCDP Monthly Meeting

Cheboygan Area Public Library 100 S Bailey St, Cheboygan, MI

Share your ideas, discuss issues, learn about volunteer opportunities. Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month, 5:30 PM at the Cheboygan Area Public Library.

All Hands on Deck

Seasons of the North Winery 9090 M-68, Indian River, MI

Discussion, planning, and camaraderie - join us!