Cultivate Connections
Take a moment to rest and restore with others as we navigate our path through 2025. Share a walk in the labyrinth, other maze paths, poems, music, books, and more. Contact Kimberly at (242) 420-2112
Take a moment to rest and restore with others as we navigate our path through 2025. Share a walk in the labyrinth, other maze paths, poems, music, books, and more. Contact Kimberly at (242) 420-2112
Join us at Hive North to meet and welcome to Cheboygan MDP Chair candidate Curtis Hertel.
Join us for an afternoon of lively conversation and grassroots action!
Share your ideas, discuss issues, learn about volunteer opportunities. Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month, 5:30 PM at the Cheboygan Area Public Library.
Discussion, planning, and camaraderie - join us!